Warm weather is here, which means time for outdoor running and cycling! This also means making sure you’re covered with the necessary outdoor gear, including proper eyewear.
Running and cycling with sunglasses can be annoying if you don’t have eyewear with the proper fit and material. Too big or loose and the sunglasses will pop up and down as you run or bike over bumps in the road or trail. Certain plastics and nose pads will result in the glasses sliding down your face or becoming sticky as you sweat. On the other hand, foregoing sunglasses altogether not only means leaving your eyes exposed to UV damage but is also a good way to catch bugs in your eyes…
Time to test out some sport sunglasses. I’ve done a (literal) trial run of some of the sports sunglasses we carry at Eyes360 including:
Oakley Encoder
Maui Jim Wailula
Maui Jim Banyans
Maui Jim Keokea
Check out our Instagram reel to see these frames in action!
The review is in:
Best in style: Maui Jim Wailula
These frames definitely suited my face the best and have more of a fashion-forward style that makes them suitable for everyday wear as well as during your outdoor activities.
Best in comfort: Oakley Encoder
The Oakley Encoder had the most comfortable and stable feel.
Silicone nose pads and temple end grips are features of all of these frames. These allow them to stay stable during the run and prevent slipping when you start to sweat. The size and shape of the Encoder nose pads made them feel the most secure. The wrap of the frames hugs the head providing increased stability.
Most lightweight: Maui Jim Keokea
These frames feel like you aren’t even wearing any glasses. If the weight of glasses or sunglasses is bothersome to you during activities or even day-to-day, these are a no-brainer.
Favorite lenses: Oakley prism lenses
The Oakley prism lenses are impeccable in their quality and ability to cut out glare and improve contrast, and the rose colour brightens the scenery. If you aren’t a big fan of running, try looking through these rose-coloured lenses to change your perspective!
The Maui Jim Banyans didn’t obtain a spot on the podium, simply because they didn’t fit my face well. However, their wrap and silicone grips make them a great sport sunglass option along with the other contenders.